How I Clean a Pool Filter

Cleaning a pool filter is not something fun to do, but there is no doubt that it is something that needs to be done. You can always take a very thorough vacuum to the filter in order to get all of the leaves out of there. You can also use a quality brush to get rid of the dirty and leaves as a part of the pool filter. The cleaning of the pool filter needs to be something that you take seriously while not criticizing yourself if you end up doing a poor job. You simply do not want the pool filter to cause any injuries, a surgery needed to fix those injuries could be quite expensive. You can always hire someone to clean your pool filters for you. This is where the concept of a pool boy came from.

Uninstalling your Pool Filters

You can even uninstall your pool filters and run them through a sprinkler system. This is an unconventional method for you to clean your pool filters with. You can then go ahead and install your pool filters again in order to make sure your pool stays clean. You can buy a pool filter cleaner with synthetic fiberglass that will do an extreme good job of cleaning the filter given that the fiberglass with the mat attached picks up the dirt quite easily. The annoying thing about these filter cleaners is the fact that you also have to clean the synthetic fiberglass by rinsing it through water as well. The water needs to be clean, particularly when you are inviting numerous swimmers into your pool.

Properly Drying Your Pool Filters

After you’re all done with washing, allow your filters to dry in sunshine so they can get the proper nourishment. This is important because the sunlight has algaecidal aspects. The algaecidal properties return the filter to its regular, dry self within an hour or two. At this point, the filters can be set back up and put into action.

Cleaning Products for Your Pool Filter

You can even use cleaning products such as Sham Wow! in order to clean your pool filters. It may take several cleanings with the Sham Wow! products in order to see some real progress regarding the cleaning of your pool filters. If you use your pool quite often, say during the summer months you probably wants the process to move faster so I will not recommend using Sham Wow to clean the filters.

Betsy Cline

Betsy Cline has been a professional house cleaner for 15 years and also a mother of 4 amazing kids (who make lots of messes). She is the founder of How to Clean It and loves to share tips and advice for cleaning up anything life throws at you.

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