How I Clean a Porcelain Sink

You walk into your bathroom, and are met by the horror of an unseemly stain on your porcelain sink. Panic sets in as you think desperately how you can clean it without scratching it, but how? Take away your worry and try one of the three solutions to clean your porcelain sink, and you will find that your concern will melt away like the stain.

One of the easiest and most accessible things to use in cleaning porcelain is liquid dish washing detergent. Take a cotton cloth, wet it down until damp and then pour a small amount of the detergent onto the rag. Gently scrub the cloth over the area where the stain is, and then rinse. If the stain seems to be extra stubborn, put some dish detergent over it and let it sit for awhile. One caution, do not let it sit too long or the detergent will dry into a solid mass that is hard to get off, but if you wait a few minutes, gently scrub it with a wet rag and it should take away the stain without scratching the sink.

Baking soda is another wonderful, versatile substance that everyone has around the house. Pour some over where the stain is set in the sink and then take a wet rag and mildly scrub it into the stain. The baking soda is just abrasive enough to lift the stain, but not to scratch the porcelain. It may take a few times to remove the stain if it is especially set in, but baking soda is a great way to get it out. This is also an environmentally friendly cleaner that doesn’t use harsh chemicals.

A third option is to a mixture of vinegar and water, mixed with a one to four ratio. Vinegar is acidic enough to be a solid cleaner, removes germs and stains very well, and is also chemical free. Spray the stain and let it sit for awhile, then return, spray again and scrub gently. You will be surprised how well this works. Vinegar is also very cheap to buy and good for many uses.

Porcelain sinks are beautiful in any home, but do require special care. This doesn’t mean that you have to use expensive, chemical laden cleaners to remove a stain here or there. Using a little creativity and these cheap, safe alternatives you will find that your sink looks like new and pristine.

Betsy Cline

Betsy Cline has been a professional house cleaner for 15 years and also a mother of 4 amazing kids (who make lots of messes). She is the founder of How to Clean It and loves to share tips and advice for cleaning up anything life throws at you.

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